Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nothing like following up a day of procrastination with a day of super productivity.  An order for 4 Bottom Feeder Ply Hand planes came in last Saturday, and I finally got around to cutting and shaping them today.  It the first planes that I've shaped in over a month or so, and honestly I was going a little crazy without a serious craft to do.  Once you starting doing something and it begins fun for you, not doing it is torture.  I'd compare it to an addiction of something illegal, but that probably wouldn't be proper. 

Earlier in the afternoon, I went and got some custom Christmas cards printed for my Etsy customers, as a token of my appreciation to them throughout the year.  Customer relations and service is something I feel a lot of companies lack, and it seems that the smaller the company, the better they are with reaching out to customers to show them how much they care.  True, larger companies have more volume, so it's harder to account for everyone, but you're still never treated as an individual, just a demographic.  I'm going to do everything I can to prevent that.

Rounded out the day with Christmas tree shopping (although that isn't Points East related...) and had some wood burning done for one of the planes.  

More to come.

Enjoy the Stoke.

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